Acupuncture and its related modalities are uniquely effective treatments for the soft tissue injury that can follow an auto accident. Allopathic medicine (conventional treatment) has little to offer when it comes to healing soft tissue injuries other than prescribing pain medication. Pain medication relieves the symptoms but does not promote healing, and may actually cause longer term damage if the soft tissue does not heal properly. Even the common allopathic recommendation to apply ice after an injury is now coming into doubt. It is becoming more understood that restricting blood flow to the body in this way is damaging to the tissues.
In addition to these positive effects, we often use a trigger-point release technique to immediately rid the muscles of any knots that have formed as a result of the soft-tissue injury. Acupuncture needles, properly placed and manipulated by an experienced practitioner. dissolve knots/spams right away. It is an incredibly gratifying experience to feel the knots melt away as I needle them, and to hear the patient say, “That’s amazing!”
Please call or book now to schedule your client for Acupuncture.